maandag 19 december 2011

Carrot Cupcakes

It's very easy to bake these carrot cupcakes.

The ingredients:

4 eggs (organic)
200 g light brown sugar (500 g bag)
200 ml sunflower oil (organic)
250 g self-raising flour
1/2 sachet baking powder
300 g carrot (a 1 kg bag, organic), finely grated
1 cup walnuts (60 g), chopped (or any other variety)
25 g butter (organic), at room temperature
200 g of icing sugar
3 tablespoons cream cheese

Saw this recipe on Albert Hein Recipes and made my own variation.

dinsdag 13 december 2011

Exchange recipes around the world

When I saw Crystal's blogpost of The House of Hearts about her recipe swap, I wanted to join right away! So I signed up to it and e-mailed her my address. After a couple of weeks I received her favorite recipes and lovely cards.

I got so inspired I just made a recipe box as well and just started to exchange recipes with my friends. Same as Crystal I would love to get in contact with creative people  to exchange recipes, cards and ideas from around the world.

So if you wanna join me, please send me an e-mail via

zondag 2 oktober 2011

Perfect present

No wrapping paper at home?
A gift pack of magazines is just as fun!