zaterdag 28 juli 2012

Day 14: Today is my day off

With my feet in the pool I was planning things to do for today.
My sweet dog Lola came to sit beside me, also with her ​​legs in the water...that was a funny moment.

Happy weekend all!

woensdag 25 juli 2012

Pretty green tea

Arizona Green Tea is a refreshing drink, but what's even more fun about this tea is the bottle.
Here are a few nice things made of this pretty bottle, which I have seen on one of my favorite websites Pinterest

You can buy this tea at almost every local supermarket on Curacao, yay! 

donderdag 19 juli 2012

D.I.Y. Photo album

As a 'farewell' gift, I made this photo album for my friend Anne, who has left the island since yesterday.
 are always the best memory.. 

You need:
Your own photos
Scissor or hobby knife
A small piece of rope

1. Cut the pictures to the right size.
2. Collect some magazines or pretty paper, where you can cut out the same size as the photos
3. Make a small hole above each photo (left)
4. The rope goes through the hole and make a knot

I used Flow magazine for the back of the photos and the inspiration from Elsie's Photo Journal E-course.

maandag 16 juli 2012

Day 13: From Canada with love

After almost 4 months, we finally received mail! The postman did not even have to step out of his car, I was ready to welcome him. And between the pile of bills, I saw a beautiful pink envelope from Canada, with love.
Thanks Crystal!

zondag 15 juli 2012

Day 12: Campfire on the beach

There is something about campfire.  I love the hippie atmosphere  and it gives me  a feeling of freedom.  Bbq with friends on the beach, is one of my favorite things to do.  I love Saturday afternoons. 

vrijdag 13 juli 2012

Day 11: Sushi and prosecco at the beach

Yesterday, we have surprised our friend Maaike for her birthday.
It was a great evening, lots of laughs and we all enjoyed the sushi and prosecco on the beach.

When we drove home, Maaike and I decided to wake up the neighborhood with our singing skills at the Kabuya Snek. That's where they have karaoke night every Thursday.

Day 12: Today I have a hangover..

maandag 9 juli 2012

Day 10: Somebody got mail

I love to surprise my good friends and family with little gifts. My good friend Silvia has just let me know that she received my gift. I know that she's happy with it, which made my day! 

The photo was taken by Silvia

donderdag 5 juli 2012

Day 9: Today we took a long walk

Actually this forest is locally known as the 'zoutpannen' or 'knoek'. We walked for an hour in the blazing sun and the dogs loved it. Poor Rick James took a little break to recover while the ladies - Lola Vegas and Polly Maggoo- ran into the water, chasing birds. 

woensdag 4 juli 2012

Day 8: Today I send mail

I love to write letters, make cards, wrap gifts and send them overseas to surprise my family and friends.
Today I sent mail to Holland.

dinsdag 3 juli 2012

Delicious pumpkin soup

I made ​​pumpkin soup for the first time on my birthday brunch. This delicious pumpkin soup is a combination of sweet and spicy and easy to make. 

You need:
1 carrot
1.5  till 2 kg pumpkin
2 onions
3 cloves garlic
Coconut cream (250 grams)
bouillon cubes
2 bay leaves
Sour cream or creme fraiche
1 liter of water
Pepper and salt

Cut the pumpkin, onion, garlic cloves and carrot into pieces. Stir together the pumpkin, onion, garlic cloves and carrot using a food processor or blender.

Day 7: Today is inspirational

Last week was very busy, spend a lot of hours at work and couldn't find the time and inspiration to write.
So, after a short break it's time to continue my photo diary and some writing. S
tay tuned for some fun blog posts this week!